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Our Expertise

The Course content includes Personal Growth, Awareness regarding the aviation environment, People Skills, Emotional Intelligence, Inspiration, facing reality, providing a network, Strategies for the control of human error, the building blocks for safety management, Problem Solving and Conflict Management.

Accidents: Who is the first person the investigators assess after an accident?


Mind: Will a pilot react to a situation better if he or she has a positive state of mind?


Student Pilots: Young Pilots? Can they handle it?


Relationships: The consequence pilots are faced with in terms of personal relationships?


Traveling: Are pilots ready for Contract work?


Consequence: When it does go wrong, what will you think?


Medical: Antidepressants, is it really an option.


Professional: How can you be professional if no one has taught you how?


Human Factor: Is it ok to have a bad day?


Conflict: have you been taught how to deal with it?

 Knowledge is power. 

  • This development programme has been created to provide professional assistance for pilots to manage and prepare for mental challenges they may be faced with.  ( what we do)


  • To create an environment that ensures that pilots are emotionally been attended to.  ( look after your people)


  •  An opportunity that allows the pilot to be assisted with challenges he or she may face and have the correct solution put forward to them.  ( manage the situation before it becomes a problem)


  •  To prevent poor performanc ( your mental state determines how well you react to situations)


  •  Providing a personal “Tool-Kit.”

Why it is important?
How will this Benifit You?
What is PWP

Everything has a ripple Effect.


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